Only God Is Enough

It’s enough, you’ve had enough
of experience, raw sensation,
ideas, emotions, memory,
self-definition, time.

The weight of beingness,
its essential weightlessness,
its utterly empty transparency
is revealed in your late night sigh

maybe in that same way, the same way
you can put your hand right through it,
the way your whole body fits inside it
like a breeze in an airy bamboo cage —

maybe in that very way you can feel
what God feels like being you,
the God inside of you.

Now you feel like falling, as if
everything is falling through itself
and ascending into itself, simultaneously.

You’re sublimely weightless in your falling,
falling like a feather on God’s own breath,
like a soft sigh shimmering late at night
that no one can hear . . . maybe one,
maybe God.

Even as that Divine breath quickens
in you, you rise up breathing, only God
is God, God is breathing, breathing into God,
breathing everything into being, one God
at a time, weightless as the light around
a flight of Doves ascending, a flight
of Doves ascending into God.

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